Curriculum Overview

PEP uses a variety of curricula to accomplish educational goals over the middle and high school years. The PEP Curriculum Overview is designed to walk through the recommended course progression at each grade level. Additionally, the Coursework Hours Projection outlines the approximate time spent each week on coursework for the average, full-time student and provides a planning tool for your student’s weekly schedule. For a deeper look at the curriculum used at each grade level, refer to the book list, available at Locations > Your Campus > Book List.




PEP places a strong emphasis on academic writing at every level between 7th through 12th grades in order to both prepare students for college as well as being effective communicators (both written and oral) of the Truth.  The Core Writing Overview highlights the types of writing emphasized at each grade level throughout their time at PEP.


Honors classes should follow a comprehensive scope and sequence for each topic covered, and PEP’s core classes meet this criterion. The concept of a comprehensive worldview across three subjects, along with the focused time periods presented in each of the four years, provide the type of seminar studies that are associated with honors classes in the standard school setting. However, in determining honors criteria for your student’s diploma, it is important to evaluate what your student is contributing to the class, as well as what is being received. READ MORE

“The supreme end of education is expert discernment in all things; the power to tell the good from the bad, the genuine from the counterfeit, and to prefer the good and the genuine to the bad and the counterfeit.”

~ Charles Osgood