PEP is a ministry that elevates and expands the quality of education parents can provide for their teenagers. The final years at home are crucial to adequately prepare students to excel in life. Equipping a teen to live life well requires much more than merely dispensing a "required class". PEP differs from home school co-ops, online classes, and formal schools in the following ways:
Scholarly Discipline
PEP is committed to training students in logical thinking and biblical reasoning based on a strong body of knowledge and truth. We help students develop a strong work ethic using caring Christian tutors that are subject matter experts, as a foundation for college, work, and life.
Core Concept
The richness of PEP's curriculum can be found in the cluster of Humanities Core Classes. These classes are offered only as an integrated cluster of classes and are composed of one history, one composition & literature, and one western thought (or biblical worldview) course. This integrated approach to learning provides the deepest understanding and enjoyment of the material. Although PEP is compatible with classical education, we go further in that we commission the student into cultural engagement rather than just prepare them for it.
Discipleship Model
This model of education is based on the biblical principle of the Church coming alongside parents to help their children to develop wisdom (the application of biblical knowledge and understanding of the world) by leading them into a deeper relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Author of Wisdom and Source of all knowledge and understanding. We give the students a vision for their own internal transformation of mind and character to play their role in the external transformation of society. Our discipleship model is based upon developing students as disciples of Jesus Christ in every aspect of their lives through personal relationships with and role modeling of godly, more mature Christians with a gift of teaching for equipping the Church.
Commitment to Two-Day Class Offering only
Since the home is to be the primary place of discipleship and development of the mind and manners of children, the majority of the student's coursework should be overseen by the parents as a home school. PEP is not a five-day program.
Preserving Academic Freedom
In order to preserve complete freedom in teaching biblical truth, PEP will not accept any assistance, financial or otherwise, from any civil governmental source, directly or on behalf of any student.
ββTo compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.β
~ Thomas Jeffersonβ